IPOH: The country’s first baby hatch in a hospital has begun operation. Located in KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital at Jalan Raja di-Hilir here, the hatch was launched by state senior executive councillor Datuk Hamidah Osman yesterday.
(IPOH : Pusat penetasan babi baby pertama di Mesia ni sulah beroperasi. Bertempat di Ospital Pakar KPJ Ipoh kat Jalan Raja Hilir sana. Pusat penetasan tu ah telah dirasmika oleh senior eksekutif negeri, Datuk Hamidah Osman semalam)
Hospital chief executive officer Nasirruddin Harun said the programme was part of its corporate social responsibility. “The baby hatch is aimed at saving the lives of innocent newborns who are not wanted by their parents,” he said.
(CEO Ospital ah, Nasirruddin Harun berkata program itu sebagai salah satu tanggungjawab sosial. Dia kata ah, "pusat penetasan baby tu untuk menyelamatkan golongan bayi baru lahir yang tidak lagi dimahukan oleh ibu bapa. Sungguh jahat itu ibu bapa ah"
The hospital, said Nasirruddin, collaborated with the state Welfare Department. “With this service, we hope to reduce the number of abandoned babies in Perak,” he added.
(Nasiruddin kata lagi, hospital telah bekerjasama dengan Jabatan Kebajikan Negeri. Dengan perkhidmatan tu, mereka harap ah dapat kurangkan jumlah bayi digugurkan di Perak)
Explaining the hatch’s procedure, Nasirruddin said that when a baby is placed within, an alarm would be triggered.“Our personnel will examine the baby and if he’s found to be healthy, we will hand him over to the Welfare Department,” he said. “If the baby needs medical attention, our doctors will treat him first for free,” he said, adding that the identity of the person who placed the baby in the hatch would remain a secret.
(Mengulas pasal prosedur penetasan, Nasiruddin berkata bahawa apabila bayi diletakkan di sana, perhatian akan diambil. Staf diorang ah, akan memeriksa bayi itu samada sihat atau tidak, jika sihat bayi akan di hantar ke Jabatan Kebajikan, katanya ah. Jika bayi tu tak sihat, doktor-doktor sana akan rawat tanpa bayaran pun. Katanya juga, identiti orang yang letakkan bayi kat pusat penetasan tu ah, juga akan dirahsiakan. Wahhhh, dengan Tuhan tak boleh rahsia dah. )
Hospital medical director Datuk Dr Fadzli Cheah, who defended the move in having the hatch, admitted that it would not totally solve the problem of baby-dumping.“We need a holistic approach, including educating people on teenage pregnancy,” he said. Hamidah said the state would embark on a statewide campaign next year to educate people on pregnancy and about the hatch.
(Pengarah perubatan Ospital Datuk Dr Fadzli Cheah, yang mempertahankan tindakan mansuhkan pusat penetasan bayi, mengaku bahawa masalah bayi dibuang tak boleh diselesaikan sepenuhnya. "Mereka perlukan tindakan holistik, termasuklah pendidikan kemanusian pada ibu hamil". Hamidah cakap ah, negeri akan menggandakan kempen tahun depan untuk memberi kesedaran pada orang hamil tentang pusat penetasan tu)
“We will go to schools and factories to distribute pamphlets about the need to place unwanted babies in a safe place,” she said, adding that having the hatch did not mean the state was encouraging premarital sex.
(Kami akan pergi ke sekolah dan kilang untuk menyumbangkan pamplet untuk perlunya meletakkan bayi tak diperlukan ke tempat yang selamat, kata Hamidah yang menambah mempunyai pusat penetasan tidak bermakna menggalakkan sex luar nikah)
Sumber : The Star Online
Auntie Mei Mei : Ha, so how? For auntielah, "preventing is more better than curing"
We have to identify the root of the problem. That is "The future parents!". To my nephew and niece out there, please....please dont romen romen!!!!
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