Malaysian bloggers earn up to RM1 million annually.
BLOGGERS and blog operators these days are able to chalk up revenues of up to RM1mil annually, according to Berita Harian’s front-page report.
According to the daily, bloggers, who post their personal accounts are now exploiting their blogs for business transactions or advertisement placements, earning an average monthly income of RM70,000.
Bloggers dan pengendali blog pada hari ini boleh memperolehi pendapatan sehinggan RM 1 juta setahun, menurut laporan muka hadapan akhbar Berita Harian. Menurut blogger tegar, yang menghantar akaun peribadi mereka telah memanfaatkan kelebihan blog mereka untuk transaksi perniagaan atau iklan, boleh memperolehi pendapatan purata RM70,000
(er...auntie think aa..this is tottal up all bloggers lor. R U kerezi if we bloggers got RM 70,000 monthly alone?. Haiya, kompem the menteri2 one want resign maa....)
The daily highlighted blogger Mira Abu Bakar, whose highest monthly income revenue through advertising revenue was RM12,000 in 2008.
Mira, who has been operating her blog since 2005, earns an average monthly revenue of RM2,000.
Blogger terkenal Mira Abu Bakar, pernah menerima pendapatan tertinggi hanya melalui pengiklanan sebanyak RM 12,000 pada tahun 2008. Mira yang juga telah mula berblog sejak tahun 2005, kini telah memperolehi pendapatan secara purata sebanyak RM2000 sebulan.
(wallaweh, so many aa.....That we call it as rezeki ma. Dun pertikai-pertikai)
She admitted that she had to declare her side income with the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) as she was unaware about it until she received an audit
Dia mengaku bahawa dia terpaksa mengisytiharkan pendapatannya melalui Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) yang sebelum ini tidak disedari sehinggalah dia telah diaudit.
(Still got audit aa??)
Nuffnang (M) Sdn Bhd manager Nicholas Chay said hat revenue of a blog depended on the number of viewers and visitors at a certain period.
He said popular blogs could earn huge profits because advertisements or product reviews posted.
Pengurus Nuffnang (M) Sdn Bhd Nicholas Chay berkata pendapatan sesebuah blog bergantung kepada jumlah pengunjung pada masa tertentu. Dia juga berkata blog boleh menjana pendapatan yang tinggi kerana pengiklanan atau ulasan produk yang diposting.
(Op kos la. More person come to our blog, more money lor. But the visitors that come to Apo2 Yolah's blog is sOOooooOoo jauh panggang dari api compare tok the RedMummy.)
So, how? We must work hard dear to be a sakses blogger like
10 ulasan:
Salam .. betul. Utamakan passion kepada tujuan asal buat blog bukan sebab duit. mina lg minat penulisan...hehehe
HAT revenue or that revenue??
*e-PJJ student:)
dah rezeki die.kite ni wt blog saje2 je...tralala~
hahahaa. RM1 million anually. hope it materialize for all of us
hasrul hassan : Boto tu. atok stuju bangat!
KUREKURE COMEL : Samo ngan atok =)
blog-tips-kurus : Ontahlah, kih kih
daylachan : Samo ngan atok...lalalala...
TimmyLicious : Tottaly agree! =)
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