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Auntie Memey |
Yuhuuuu....anybody home?
Astaghfirullahal azim....Assalammualaikum my dear....So long long long time auntie not on air since last Ramadhon. Auntie absolutely sure that you guys miss me right? Or left? Whatever! (apo2 yolah)...For those who is first time coming here, please don't cross this blog and get some nightmare tonight when you see my lips and eye-shadow. Hold on! Are you sure the pink on my cheek is call as eye-shadow???...Ok, one more time, whatever! (apo2 yolah).
For your information too, my job is to share about anything in English version. Auntie would like to warning you guys that my english is not dusty as a real the british. Who care? As long as auntie fell confident with myself...walhal...
Alright, my first appearance is look alike the girl whose at left side on the banner with the puppy hair. Then alhamdulillah, i convert with covering since last ramadhon. Sure you guys can cover up also right?
Without waiting so long, auntie want to continue with our topic this week. How to start a coversation when you have nothinh to talk about.
1. Begin with introducing yourself
-This is the basic and more important. Just imagine when somebody unfamiliar come to you and talk like bontot ayam, then 100% you will thinking that guy is got short circuit at somewhere her head right? Same like you! Must introducing ourself.
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"Darling, perkenalkan ini skandal i....." |
2. Understand the secret to a good conversation
-The secret at the heart of a good conversation is to listen and do very little of the talking, apart from encouraging the other person to open group. Keep in your mind babeh.
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'Kenapa awak dari tadi dengar je, tak cakap sepatah pun? 'Aku pekak der....." |
3. Know how to ask an open question
-An open question is a question that requires an explanation for an answer, and not just simple "Yes" or "No". Open question tend to begin with : who? when? why? where? and how?
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"Pakwe ko orang mana? Keja apa? Berapa umur dia? Lelaki ke perempuan??" "what the...." |
4. Know the stuff of small talk.
-When you first meet people, it's important to keep the conversation light and simple. Rely on small talk until the two of you get to know each other well.
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"Ko nak jadik anak ikan aku tak?" "Err....ummm...erh...mmm" |
5. Practice getting conversations started.
You may feel a little clumsy at first, but with practice it can become easy to start a good conversations. every time you're in a situation where you're called upon to converse with others, see it as part of your ongoing practice, and note how you're improving each time that you try it.
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"Ko orang yang ke 18 aku temuramah hari ni. Jap lagi nak temuramah lagi 8 orang" |
Have a try honey!
22 ulasan:
nice sharing.. mudah difahami ^_^
i bisu
em..untuk memulakan conversation dgn org yg baru kenal..xde masalah. tp kadang2 nak bersembang ngn sumone yg 'kayu' memang x leh nak wat ape kan. sekejap je boleh..pastu nnt masing2 mati kutu
mbuatkan aku tringat psl aunty dlm tb tu yg slalu ada selingan iklan haha psl mbetulkan sebutan2 etc hoho
aku urm ok je utk mulakan pe2 pbualan, tp mcm chii ckp, kalau kayu sgt..susah gok!haha
gud info..and it's funny lah..
funny meh.. kahkah. i tak bisu dan pekak. nseb tak buta.. ok x?
=).. gurau je..
YEAY! practice makes perfect atok! eyh auntie...really am proud of you ;)
auntie..? haha.. terbaik.. boleh guna masa presentation ni
salam kembali ke sini atok..=)
bila dah ada topic nak borak senang la sikit..
alahai tok sejk bile jadik anti? anyway... nice one.., nak tergelak mule2 pun ad
umie mia : Timo kasih ummi
chii : Ha, kalau cenggitu kita sendiri kena mainkan peranan...kita kena rancak lagi dan lagi dan lagi
Jue : Auntie lagi cun
Rahmah Ram Ram : Untuk perkongsian bersama =)
♫♪~ Naurah Nawwarah ~ ♫♪ : Abesslaaa...atok totop mata
Azham Vosovic : Harus...auntie kan cun
*matiler berbaur riak...
Zul Fattah : Guno jangan tak guno
Mohamadazhan.com : Lamo x nampak?
faiz : Kan. Yang penting kena tahu pokok perbualan
zoe : Itu cucu atok lah...si mei mei tu...kih kih
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